Albanian Evangelical Mission - Seeks to make the gospel known to Albanian people
Answers in Genesis - Helps Christians defend the Bible with special emphasis on Creation
Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE) - Offers support to churches and their leaders
Barnabas Aid - Gives hope and aid to the persecuted Church
Caring for Life - Shares the Love of Jesus with homeless or vulnerable people
Creation Ministries International - Helps Christians in the Creation/Evolution debate
Christian Prison Resources Ministries - Helps reach out to prisoners with the gospel
Day One - Campaigns for Sunday to be a day of worship and rest.
Grace Baptist Mission - Helps local churches send out and support missionaries
Grace Baptist Assembly - Yearly assembly of Grace Baptist churches for fellowship
Grace Baptist Trust Corporation - Trustee services and professional advice
Grace Publication Trust - Publishing material promoting Baptist principles and the doctrines of Grace
International Mission to Jewish People - Seeks to make the Gospel known to Jewish people
Middle East Reformed Fellowship - Seeks to help believers in Arab and Muslim countries
Open Air Mission - Takes the Gospel into village, town and city centres
Pilgrims' Friend Society - Seeks to meet the needs of older Christians
SASRA - Soldiers' and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association
Slavic Gospel Association - Helps Christians among the Slavic nations of the world
Strict Baptist Historical Society - Encouraging interest in Strict Baptist history
The Christian Institute - Exists to promote the Christian religion in the UK
Trinitarian Bible Society - Seeks to publish and distribute Bibles all over the world in many languages